Chemical Peel
Chemical Peel is a chemical solution that aids in removing layers of skin to help reveal the youthful, silky smooth skin underneath. It’s amazing for clearing up hyperpigmentation, reducing acne scars and texture as well as fine lines and wrinkles. Your end result? Radiant, new glowy skin. (4-6 monthly treatments for optimal results)
If you’ve been suffering with skin concerns for years with no luck, try a chemical peel. Our peels range from mild–medium, are safe for all skin types and are a great way to introduce you to beginning your skin-soulful journey.
45 Min | $ 130 |

- Please fill out all waivers and contraindication forms prior to coming in to make sure you are a good candidate. Feel free to book a skin consult if you are unsure of anything.
- Avoid any skincare actives for about 4-5 days before your treatment date.
- Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least two weeks prior to treatment
- Advise your esthetician if you have an allergy to aspirin, milk, Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid and/or Resorcinol.
- Suspend use of Retin-A/Tazorac and/or Vitamin A topicals at least 2 weeks prior to treatments.
- Men should shave 12 hours prior to peel and not again until peeling is complete.
- No waxing, depilatories or laser 2 weeks prior to the peel, and two weeks after the peel
PRE CONDITIONING THE SKIN – For best results and to reduce the risk of complications, we recommended that you use medical/pharmaceutical grade skincare products for atleast 2 weeks prior to the treatment time. (you will still have to stop using them 4-5 days before the actual treamtent date, however, the 2 weeks prior will help pre-condition and prep your skin for beautiful results. (especially advised for to medium & darker skin tones).
- Your skin may experience temporary irritation, tightness, or redness. These are all normal reactions that typically resolve within 72 hours depending on skin sensitivity.
- You may experience tingling and stinging in the treatment area. These sensations generally subside within a few hours.
- Client experiences may vary. Some clients may experience a delayed onset of these symptoms.
- You will likely see results immediately after treatment and your skin may feel smooth and hydrated for one to four weeks with appropriate home care to maintain treatment results.
- Avoid excessive sun exposure and use a minimum of SPF 30 sunscreen.
- Avoid tanning beds for atleast 2 weeks post peel treatment
- Discontinue the use of any product that irritates your skin. Keep your skin hydrated. Hydration is the key to proper healing.
- DO NOT cleanser your skin the evening of your peel.
- DO NOT apply ice or ice water on the treated area.
- Stay away from heat: i.e. hot showers, saunas, steam rooms, hot yoga/exercising for 24 hours.
- DO NOT pick or pull any flaking skin.
- DO NOT have electrolysis, waving, threading or any other form of hair removal for 10 days post treatment.
- DO NOT use facial scrubs or mechanical forms of exfoliation for 14 days post peel.
- Avoid any retinoic acid, AHA or BHA for 5-7 days after treatment (Ex. Glycolic acid, salicylic acid, retinols, hydroquinone etc. )
- DO NOT have laser hair removal, photofacial (IPL or BBL, chemical peels or microdermabrasion for 14 days post peel.
- Smokers who cannot refrain from smoking for the first 8 days of treatment will have slower healing time.
If you have any further concerns or questions about chemical peels, or your treatment please contact the clinic.